3. SDK Features

Enable Liveness detection

For enable/disable liveness detection, use this:


Create transaction

  • Used to create transaction for Ekyc execution session

  • When successful transaction creation, the SDK returns a model transaction data which leads to the onSuccess() callback. Handling create transaction successfully here.

  • When creating transaction fails, it will be processed at callback onFail().

FTechEkycManager.createTransaction(new IFTechEkycCallback<TransactionData>() {
            public void onSuccess(TransactionData info) {


            public void onFail(APIException error) {


            public void onCancel() {


Get process transaction

  • Used to get the Ekyc process of a transaction

  • When the get process transaction is successful, the SDK returns a model process transaction data resulting in the onSuccess() callback. Handling get process transaction successfully here.

  • When get process transaction fails, it will be processed at callback onFail().

FTechEkycManager.getProcessTransaction(transactionId, new IFTechEkycCallback<TransactionProcessData>() {
            public void onSuccess(TransactionProcessData info) {

            public void onFail(APIException error) {

            public void onCancel() {

Upload Photo (Normal detection)

  • Used to upload photos of documents, face for Ekyc

  • When the photo upload is successful, the SDK returns a model capture data resulting in the onSuccess() callback. Handling photo upload successfully here.

  • When uploading photo fails, it will be handled at callback onFail().

 FTechEkycManager.uploadPhoto(pathImage, captureType, new IFTechEkycCallback<CaptureData>() {
            public void onSuccess(CaptureData info) {

            public void onFail(APIException error) {

            public void onCancel() {

Face Matching

  • Use this method to get ORC scan information



  • When face matching is successful, the SDK returns a model face matching data resulting in the onSuccess() callback. Handling face matching successfully here.

  • When face matching fails, it will be handled at the callback onFail().

       FTechEkycManager.faceMatching(new IFTechEkycCallback<FaceMatchingData>() {
           public void onSuccess(FaceMatchingData info) {

           public void onFail(APIException error) {

           public void onCancel() {

Liveness detection

  • Using bitmap image to check face position

FTechEkycManager.detectFacePose(bitmap, FACE_POSE.UP, new IFTechEkycCallback<Boolean>() {
            public void onSuccess(Boolean info) {

            public void onFail(APIException error) {

            public void onCancel() {

Submit info

  • Use this method to submit information



  • After submitting the info successfully, the SDK returns a status leading to the onSuccess() callback. Handling submit info successfully here.

  • When submitting information fails, it will be handled at the callback onFail().

FTechEkycManager.submitInfo(submitInfoRequest, new IFTechEkycCallback<Boolean>() {
           public void onSuccess(Boolean info) {

           public void onFail(APIException error) {

           public void onCancel() {

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